About the PHPenthusiast.com — the PHP tutorials website
Hello, I'd like to introduce you to the PHPenthusiast.com website. A website which is all about teaching and learning Object oriented PHP.
- Why learn Object-oriented PHP?
- Why learn Object-oriented PHP with the PHPenthusiast.com website?
- And how to learn better and faster?
Stick with me and I will explain everything that you need to know.
Why learn Object-oriented PHP?
- Why learn PHP?
- Why bother learning Object-oriented programming?
- And why do it with the PHPenthusiast.com website?
Well, PHP is the language, in which more than 80% of the websites are written, so if you'd like to become a web developer you better learn PHP. The language basics are not hard to learn, but there is one thing, one paradigm, that really sets apart the professionals from the hobbyist programmers, and this is Object Oriented PHP.
How to learn Object-oriented PHP?
In order to learn Object Oriented PHP you need to be more focused, and you need better tutorials and better guidance. And this is where the PHPenthusiast.com website really comes in handy, because it offers to teach you Object-oriented PHP in a much better way.
About the PHPenthusiast website
The website structure is very simple, and has two parts:
- The learn part, in which you can find all the written tutorials.
- And the practice part, in which you can find all the exercises that accompany the written tutorials.
The learn part
As you can see, it has links to all of the tutorials. By the time of recording, we have already published 12 tutorials, and there are more to come…
The first tutorial
Let's get into the first tutorial in which you can learn about classes and objects in PHP. These are really the fundamentals of Object Oriented PHP. Here you can find explanations about:
- What are classes?
- How to create classes?
- How to add properties (or class variables) to a class?
Everything is explained in the simplest words, with the simplest explanations,and with the simplest code examples.
The tutorials are written for full understanding, and that's what you'll get when you learn with the PHPenthusiast.com tutorials.
The practice part
Once you finish learning the written tutorial, you can go into the practice section. Here you can practice everything that you've learned in the written tutorial.
You can practice by doing one of two things (or both):
- You can answer multiple choice questions to test your knowledge of the basic terms and ideas that were learned in the tutorials.
- You can also practice with the coding exercise.
The coding exercise guides you step by step through writing a code which is based on what you have learned in the tutorial.
The eBook

The website is accompanied by an eBook "The essentials of Object Oriented PHP" which offers more tutorials as well as more practice opportunities. The eBook is an in-depth guide to help you quickly and easily increase your web development skills and so become a hot commodity in the job market.
I hope to see you among the users of the PHPenthusiast.com website, where you can learn to become a professional Object-oriented PHP web developers.
Happy Coding,
The PHPenthusiast Team