The solution: a Façade class
We can simplify the code by using a Façade class with the following characteristics:
- It holds references to the classes that it uses
(in our case, to the CodeTwit, Googlize, and the Reddiator classes).
- It has a method that calls all of the methods that we need.
A façade class enables us to call only one method instead of calling to many methods.
By doing so, it simplifies the work with the system, and allows us to have a simpler and more convenient interface.
In our example, the shareFacade class gets the social networks objects injected to its constructor,
holds these objects by reference, and has the ability to call to all of the share methods from a single share method.
That's the code:
// The Facade class
class shareFacade {
// Holds a reference to all of the classes.
protected $twitter;
protected $google;
protected $reddit;
// The objects are injected to the constructor.
function __construct($twitterObj,$gooleObj,$redditObj)
$this->twitter = $twitterObj;
$this->google = $gooleObj;
$this->reddit = $redditObj;
// One function makes all the job of calling all the share methods
// that belong to all the social networks.
function share($url,$title,$status)
$this->twitter->tweet($status, $url);
$this->reddit->reddit($url, $title);
// Create the objects from the classes.
$twitterObj = new CodeTwit();
$gooleObj = new Googlize();
$redditObj = new Reddiator();
// Pass the objects to the class facade object.
$shareObj = new shareFacade($twitterObj,$gooleObj,$redditObj);
// Call only 1 method to share your post with all the social networks.
$shareObj->share('','My greatest post','Read my greatest post ever.');
And that's all! We got what we wanted. We shared our post with three social networks by calling only a single share method.